Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Chapter-11 Discussion

Chapter-11 Discussion

Q 1. Your criminal justice department has been requiring graduating seniors to take an exit exam as a measure of departmental outcomes. Discuss how that tool could be used to determine if the criminal justice major is effective? (use the concepts from chapter 11 to help address this question). 2. Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of quasi-experimental designs. Explain how the use of quasi-experimental designs may be more useful than classical experiments for conducting criminal justice research.

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When deciding if the criminal equity major is successful, it could be pointless to have seniors take a leave test to gauge these departmental results. Further, with this understudies and evaluators would almost certainly comprehend their jobs and what is anticipated from them. All the more explicitly, program objectives speak to the ideal result of the major, while the "result measures are observational markers of whether those ideal results are accomplished" (Campbell, 2015).